Study Programme students learn how to manage their money…

Representatives from Natwest Bank came in to give the students advice and guidance on how they can manage their money. Topics discussed were Saving Methods, Credit Scores, Different Methods of Credit and Planning for your future. The students took part in activities that helped them plan for events such as going on holiday or buying a car. They had to think ahead about what they needed to do to achieve their goals and budget their money accordingly. The activity really engaged the students and all said that it had made them think about how they would manage their money in the future. Other advice included how to effectively save money by using 50% (Needs) 30% (Wants) and 20% (Savings) method something we think the tutors benefitted from too!

Eveie Roffee a student on the Study Programme said afterwards:

‘I think Natwest did a really good job at helping us to get prepared for our future as we get older by telling us the key things we need to know to help us save and budget our money. Everyone who came in to speak to us was extremely nice and had a smile on their faces, they talked us through all the best ways to deal with things that most teenagers don’t know about budgeting and ways to save. Overall I found them to be amazing and very helpful.’

We would like to thank Natwest for encouraging and guiding our students to manage their money better!

If you are planning on Applying for the Study Programme or an Apprenticeship, why not contact us and we can talk through your options. Please contact:

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01482 307357

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