The Step Up! Study Programme is an eighteen week course, which will help if you are having difficulty finding work. It may be that you have little, or no work experience. Your recent qualifications may have been a disappointment, or you may not have a great deal of confidence. Whatever the reason, Step Up! will provide you with the opportunity to improve your chances of getting the job you are looking for. You may want to work in a factory, hospitality, engineering, a sports centre, an office, or a warehouse. Whatever it is, we can help find the ideal job for you.
Step Up! will give you the support you need to make your dreams come true. We will help you to learn about work, improve your employability skills, develop as a person and fine tune your maths, English and digital skills. At the same time, we will help you find a work placement which will help you to gain valuable work experience in an area that interests you.
At the end of the Step Up! Programme, it is hoped that the experience you have gained and the new skills learnt will enable you to move into a job either with your placement provider, or another employer. If this is the case, you may well want to progress on to the Apprenticeship and develop your career through one of the country’s most successful programmes.
The Study Programme has proved to be very successful in helping young people to get a job and in doing so, open the door to the Apprenticeship and a clear career path. If you feel that you may need some more support to help you achieve your dreams, Step up! may well be the course for you.