McArthur Dean has delivered work-based learning since 1995 in the region and currently works with over 200 employers. The company has developed a reputation for high achievement rates through the delivery of quality training in a warm and welcoming, yet business like environment.
Our head office is based in Hull. However, we also provide the same services from our other centre in Scunthorpe.
We offer training from Level 1 through to Level 5 and work hard to deliver the skills and job opportunities necessary to enable learners to achieve their own personal goals, whilst serving the local business community.
We are proud to deliver the highly successful Apprenticeship and the Step Up! Study Programme. Both courses are funded by the Government and delivered on behalf of the Education and Skills Funding Agency.
The Apprenticeship gives learners the opportunity to work in different areas including administration, accountancy, customer service and management. Whereas the Step Up! Programme is designed for young people who may need some extra support before they move into work.
If your organisation is considering recruiting an Apprentice or providing a placement for a learner on our Step Up! Programme, we would be delighted to help you with the recruitment process. The service is delivered free of charge and is designed to provide you with highly motivated and well-trained staff.
We are also able to provide training to your existing staff (of any age) through the apprenticeship programme. In addition, other training (including online training) is available on a fee-paying basis to employers and individuals.