Julie Curtis (Business Development Manager) and Ellie Wilson (Business Development Administrator) went into Newland School for Girls to attend their Apprenticeship event. There were 120 year 11 students sat in small groups in the school Hall and Julie and Ellie moved around the Hall speaking to them all promoting the apprenticeships we offered and also signposting the students to other Training Providers or Colleges if they wanted sectors and careers that we don’t offer.
This was Ellie’s first event and she said:
‘I found it really good and not as scary as I had anticipated. Speaking about my own experience as an apprentice made me feel proud of myself for how far I had come. I remember being their age and it’s very daunting as to what to do after school. I hope we have helped them to see the advantages of the apprenticeship programme and the opportunities that it offers.’
Please see the link below from Erica Hood, Careers Leader at Thrive Trust.
We hope to see you at your next event
If you are planning on applying for the Study Programme or an Apprenticeship, why not contact us and we can talk you through your options
Please contact
Julie (julie@mcarthurdean.co.uk)
01482 210093
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